
No matter the status of your health currently, there is always healing that can be done. We offer a wide range of services to treat the body as a whole and get to the root cause of your health concerns. All treatments used are evidence-based, natural, non-invasive, and tailored to each individual.


Joint Exploration

Joint Exploration is a movement/therapy/exercise technique created by Dr. Nutt that is used to create the essential diversity of movement that your body needs to be at its best. When we experience pain in our bodies, it is usually because certain areas are moving too much while others are not moving enough, causing imbalance and microstressors in the system. Joint Exploration is a technique that is used to bring balance back into the system. It teaches you control over your movement. It increases your movement profile and ability. It builds your strength and stability, resulting in healthier biomechanics.

Joint Exploration is a way of biohacking our systems to get all the movement we require in an efficient and enjoyable way.

You’ll get hands on treatment, you’ll move in ways you’ve never moved before, and your body and mind will thank you!


Body Connectivity Assessment

One of my biggest goals in my practice is to teach my patients to become an active participant in their own healing. To shift the old paradigm of doctors holding the ultimate knowledge over one's body, and to make health and healing more of a collaborative effort between doctor and patient.

Committing to this goal means empowering my patients to take control over their own health. But the big question What's the starting point to such a complex and individualized task?

After years of trial and error, I realized that one of the reasons I wasn't making significant headway with some patients was because of a disconnect between the mind and the body. Basically, they speak completely different languages. The body communicates in sensation and the mind communicates in words and pictures. So I started asking myself, how well do the body and mind communicate and understand each other? How well does the mind interpret symptoms from the body (like pain, nervous system hypervigilance, emotion, feelings of safety or uncertainty, etc) and vice versa (how the body responds to thoughts in the mind)? How can strengthening this understanding improve overall health?

Turns's super important.

A strong connection means you are able to become aware of your needs and wants. You become conscious of what things facilitate health and what does not. You can then learn to fulfill these needs with the development of new habits and practices. With the Body Connectivity Assessment, I am able to determine where you are with your mind-body connection, and we are able to build on that awareness to achieve your health goals.

Once the assessment is complete, you will receive a written report with your mind-body score with a detailed explanation for you to keep for your records (and to look back on to see how far you've come!)

Sound Healing

Sound healing is an ancient form of healing and regeneration. Today, there is a growing amount of research showing the efficacy of using sound and frequency to alter cellular states.

Think of it this way, how does your body feel when you listen to classical music? How does your body feel when you listen to heavy metal? Music has the power to change our state, emotionally, physically, psychologically, and neurologically.

During these sound healing sessions, Dr. Nutt uses 7 sound bowls to create a journey of sound. This puts your brain in a theta wave/meditative state. Benefits of this can include deep relaxation, pain relief, stabilization of blood pressure, relief from emotional pain (particularly fear-based conditions like anxiety and depression), and expansion of consciousness. Many people who surrender to their sound journey are able to remove blocks caused by self-limiting beliefs. They are able to connect to spirit and can receive guidance, answers, and visions.

Each sound journey is different each time and for each person, but it is a fantastic way to get out of your own way and become a conduit for healing and divine guidance.

Comprehensive Wellness Blood Work and Intuitive Nutrition

When you get your blood work done in a medical setting, it is being evaluated for disease. The ranges you see on your labs tell the practitioner whether or not something is drastically outside “normal,” determined by the numbers the lab sees over the course of a year. If your numbers are within range, it means you probably don’t have a disease process that can be addressed by medicine. BUT, that does not necessarily mean that your physiology is function optimally! Our physiology adapts to what we eat, how we move, what we do, what we’re exposed to, what we think, and many other things. Our bodies adapt so well and so efficiently, that it takes quite awhile for maladapted physiology to become an actual disease process. It makes sense that you would want to know if your physiology is getting crazy BEFORE that point, right?

That is why you need comprehensive wellness blood work. We run thorough testing to evaluate the activity of all systems (thyroid, hormones, cholesterol, inflammation, blood sugar…the list goes on!). We then narrow the range that your results are compared to in order to see if your body could potentially be veering towards a disease process. In these ranges, lifestyle/nutrition/supplementation/mindset changes do their best work in your body. The goal is to bring you as close to optimally healthy as possible and prevent maladapted physiology from becoming full blown disease.

Dr. Nutt will sit down and explain each marker as they pertain to you, your overall health, your symptoms, and why/how you can work with your body. From there, Dr. Nutt becomes your guide as you move through your health journey making the necessary changes in your life to encourage optimal health.

We don’t do diets here at Retrouvai Wellness, we do intuitive eating. That means making food a friend and using your body’s cues to figure out what you need nutritionally. We also use high quality supplementation to give your body support as you implement the changes.



Chiropractic is the practice of assessing and diagnosing conditions related to the spine and extremities which may disrupt and alter nervous system outputs.  Chiropractors are leading experts at assessing motion of joints in the spinal column and extremities.  Correction of abnormalities in movement or alignment is done by joint manipulation-called "adjustments"-to enhance function in these areas. It’s all about making sure your body is moving, because a body that is moving means an active brain. Adjustments provide the necessary neurological stimulation that your brain needs when a joint is not moving properly.


Neurological Examination

Sometimes, the root cause of our symptoms is due to brain dysfunction. When it is the brain that needs direct help, we bring in a Chiropractic Functional Neurologist to check it out. Dr. Brandon Nutt will assess your brain function through eye testing and provide exercises that will stimulate the appropriate pathways to reduce your symptoms.

They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul…but they are also the window to your brain function!


The treatment is the first step in restoring health to the musculoskeletal system, but in order to maintain proper motor control the human body must receive repetitive reinforcement.  Individualized rehabilitation exercises are given to the patient to increase mobility, stability, and ultimately restore strength to these structures and prevent injuries from occurring in the future.  Treatment without rehabilitation is simply not enough to keep the body healthy; this is where the patient is encouraged to take active control in their progress.  By performing the appropriate exercise the patient is cementing the signal provided by the treatment to the nervous system, similar to studying flashcards after a professor has given a lecture.  Rehabilitation is arguably the most important factor in the speed of recovery and prolonged health of the musculoskeletal system.  

If you are experiencing an issue that extends beyond the scope of what Dr. Nutt can provide, you will be referred to one of our trusted partners in health.  No matter what the circumstances are, your health is our greatest concern and you will be taken care of according to your needs.